Advertising in the magazine Ridehesten

MAGASINET RIDEHESTEN HIPPOLOGISK is the oldest and largest equestrian magazine in the country, catering to everyone involved with horses, breeding, and riding. We take pride in not only delivering in-depth and thoroughly researched articles but also ensuring that they are presented in a professional, informative, and inspiring manner through images and layout.


Did you know...

That right-hand pages in a magazine receive more attention from readers than left-hand pages?


Ad - 2/1 page

420 x 297 mm (+4 mm bleed)
suggested price: 18,000 DKK

Ad - 1/1 page

210 x 297 mm (+4 mm bleed)
suggested price: 10,800 DKK

Ad - 1/2 page

210 x 148 mm (+4 mm bleed)
suggested price: 5,500 DKK

Ad - 1/2 page

100 x 297 mm (+4 mm bleed)
suggested price: 5,500 DKK

Ad - 1/3 page

68 x 297 mm (+4 mm bleed)
suggested price: 4,500 DKK

Ad - 1/3 page

210 x 102 mm (+4 mm bleed)
suggested price: 4,500 DKK

Classified ads

Classified ads are placed on 4-column pages, and the price is calculated based on the number of columns and the height in mm.
1 column 43 mm
2 column 89 mm
3 column 136 mm
4 column 182 mm
Max. height: 270 mm

Ad - 1/4 page

54 x 297 mm (+4 mm til beskæring)
suggested price: 3,500 DKK

Ad - 1/4 page

210 x 80 mm (+4 mm til beskæring)
suggested price: 3,500 DKK
suggested price: 8.50 DKK per mm/column

Special requests?

If you have specific requests regarding the format of your ad, we are, of course, willing to accommodate them for an additional fee. Prices for advertorials are arranged separately.

Contact us

Media Kit

Mediehuset Wiegaarden
Blåkildevej 15, 9500 Hobro

Social Media

Contact us