MAGASINET HUNDEN is Denmark's largest and oldest trade magazine for dog enthusiasts. The magazine targets not only regular family dog owners but also breeders and active dog owners involved in various dog sports, shows, hunting, and more—essentially, everyone with a four-legged family member. As such, HUNDEN has a broad reach and covers nearly all demographic groups in the country.
that the magazine Hunden can also be read online?
that in the online magazine, a link will be included in your ad that directs readers to your website?
HUNDEN is the member magazine for the Danish Kennel Club, which has been Denmark's leading interest organization for dog owners since 1897.
Many and varied dog sports are covered in HUNDEN.
Breeders can stay informed with professional articles on topics such as reproduction, genetics, and puppy socialization.
HUNDEN, with its 100 pages, offers plenty of reading material that focuses heavily on professionalism, without lacking in entertainment value.
Skilled and fascinating dog people and dogs who have made a special contribution are featured in HUNDEN.
HUNDEN's readers typically own their own homes or country estates and are often families with children. They are financially strong, with an income well above average.
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